Automatically categorize your apps based on google play categories. You can also manually organize app to your desired category.
Launch apps with this alternative drawer and use with any launcher you prefer.
- Auto app categorization
- Games in one category
- Quickly search for apps
- Create shortcuts to home screen
- Mass selection to move or auto recategorization
- Access app info, google play or uninstall for an app easily
- Search for apps or directly at google play
- Dark theme
- Create shortcut with drawer icon for all apps
- Star or pin a category to show in quick shortcuts for supported launchers
- Hide categories
- Hide apps
- Sort apps by name, recently installed, recently used, frequently used and least used
If you found bugs or have any suggestions you can send it at
Privacy Policy
- We send your app list to our server to figure out what category it's in.
- When you move your apps we send the category and application as auto suggested app category feature to make auto categorization smarter base on your decisions.
- We never store your personal application list on our server.
根据Google Play类别自动对您的应用进行分类。您还可以手动将应用程序组织到所需的类别。
- 自动应用分类
- 一类游戏
- 快速搜索应用程序
- 创建主屏幕的快捷方式
- 移动或自动重新分类的质量选择
- 轻松访问应用程序信息,谷歌播放或卸载应用程序
- 搜索应用程序或直接在谷歌播放
- 黑暗主题
- 为所有应用创建带抽屉图标的快捷方式
- 为支持的启动器添加快速快捷方式的星标或别针
- 隐藏类别
- 隐藏应用
- 按名称排序应用程序,最近安装,最近使用,经常使用和最少使用
- 我们将您的应用列表发送到我们的服务器,以确定它所属的类别。
- 当您移动应用程序时,我们会将类别和应用程序作为自动建议的应用程序类别功能发送,以根据您的决定使自动分类变得更加智能。
- 我们从不在您的服务器上存储您的个人申请表。